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Walt Disney method

The Walt Disney method involves sequential thinking to analyze a problem, generate ideas, evaluate ideas, construct and critique a plan of action. The four thinking roles are – outsiders, dreamers, realizers, and critics.

Time Taken

20 mins

Level of Difficulty


Materials Needed

Post its, miro, props


Design Team

  • Effectiveness 90% 90%

Step by Step Instructions


In the first role, the person thinks as an “outsider” to gain an analytical, external view of the challenge.


In the second, they then act as “dreamers” to brainstorm ideal solutions. They use divergent thinking to conceive creative and radical ideas.


In the third, they adopt a “realizer” viewpoint. They act as pragmatic realists and use convergent thinking to review the ideas left by the dreamers. They select the best idea and construct a plan for it.


Finally, the fourth viewpoint is that of “critics”. They review the plan made by the realists in order to identify weaknesses, obstacles or risks. They seek to improve the plan.


Repeat the exercise by exchanging the role with different people and gather more ideas


Cluster the ideas and form themes. Use the themes to further ideate and enhance

How did I use it?

This tool came in handy for the research phase of my MA Strategic Design 2nd semester. The project was related to climate change and as a team(4 members) we were able to test our solution with experts, peers and project partner.