0049-1782316478 [email protected]

Service Blueprint

This tool is used to pin down customer touch points and its related aspects, mainly before and after the experience with your solution.

Time Taken

30 mins

Level of Difficulty


Materials Needed

Post its, miro


Design Team

  • Effectiveness 95% 95%

Step by Step Instructions


Identify a scenario where the solution is used by a user(ideally your persona)


Define touchpoints where the user interacts with the solution


Focus elaborately on the before and after experience as well, not just while using the solution


Create a graph of emotions the users are expected to go through while using the solution


View/download the template to better understand how the tool works and use it accordingly. The template is only for reference, you can modify the structure to better suit your requirements.

How did I use it?

This tool came in handy for the prototype phase of my MA Strategic Design 2nd semester. The project was related to climate change and as a team(4 members) we were able to create multiple prototypes for our solution.